Go Digital in Saarland

What is "Go Digital" in Saarland and what are the goals of the program? 

"Go Digital" is a funding program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) that is implemented in Saarland by the Saarland Economic Development Corporation (WFG). The program supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in implementing their digitization projects. 

The program offers companies free advice on various digital topics, such as introducing e- commerce, optimizing business processes or improving IT security. Training courses and workshops are also offered to expand the knowledge of employees in the field of digitization. 

The main goal of the program is to increase the competitiveness of SMEs in Saarland by supporting them in digitization. By introducing digital technologies and processes, companies can work more efficiently and market their products and services better. This allows them to open up new markets and increase their sales. At the same time, the program is intended to help secure long-term jobs in Saarland. 

Who can take part in the Go Digital program in Saarland and what requirements must be met? 

Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) with a location in Saarland can take part. The exact definition of SME depends on the industry and is based on the number of employees and annual turnover. 

In order to participate in the program, companies must meet certain requirements. For example, they must have been active on the market for at least two years, have sufficient creditworthiness and seek advice from a consulting firm authorized by "Go Digital". In addition, the digitization measures for which funding is requested must meet certain criteria, for example with regard to innovative strength and cost-effectiveness. 

Another requirement is the company's approval that the results of the consultation and implementation of the digitization measures of "Go Digital" may be evaluated and published. 

How does the consultation process work as part of "Go Digital" in Saarland? 

The program is implemented by various regional advisory bodies, including one in Saarland. The consultation process as part of "Go Digital" in Saarland is as follows: 

• Application: Companies can register for "Go Digital" advice at the responsible advice center in Saarland. Registration is online via the "Go Digital" portal. 

• Determine the need for advice: In the registration form, the companies state the areas in which they need support with digitization. You can choose from the areas "Digitized Business Processes", "Digital Market Development" and "IT Security". 

• Selection of the consulting company: After the application has been checked, suitable consulting companies are selected and introduced to the company. The company then selects the preferred consulting firm. 

• Counseling sessions: The consulting company conducts several counseling sessions with the company. In these discussions, the specific needs of the company are determined and an action plan for the implementation of digitization is drawn up. 

• Implementation of the measures: The company implements the measures agreed in the plan of measures together with the consulting firm. The consulting company supports the company in the implementation and provides tips and information. 

• Final report: At the end of the consultation, the consulting company prepares a final report that 

How long does the funding process as part of "Go Digital" in Saarland last and what steps must be taken to receive funding? 

The funding process as part of "Go Digital" in Saarland usually takes about three to six months and consists of the following steps: 

  • Application: The company applies for funding online via the "Go Digital" portal and specifies the area in which it needs support with digitization (digitized business processes, digital market development or IT security).
  • Selection of the consulting company: The responsible "Go Digital" team in Saarland examines the application and suggests suitable consulting companies to the company. The company then selects the preferred consulting firm.
  • Consultations: The consulting company conducts several consultations with the company in order to determine the specific needs and create an action plan.
  • Implementation of the measures: The company implements the measures agreed in the plan of measures together with the consulting company. The Consulting firms support the company in the implementation and provide tips and advice.
  • Invoice: The company submits the invoice to the responsible "Go Digital" team in Saarland, in which the consulting services performed are listed. The responsible team checks the statement and pays out the funding.
    It is important to note that the company must not enter into a contract with the selected consulting firm before the start of the consultation, otherwise funding will be excluded. The measures must also be implemented within six months of approval.
    The funding is usually up to 50 percent of the consulting costs, up to a maximum of 16,500 euros.

What other programs are there to promote digitization in Saarland and how do they differ from "Go Digital"? 

In addition to the "Go Digital" program, there are other programs and initiatives in Saarland to promote digitization. Some of them are: 

"Digital Now": This program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy promotes investments in digital technologies and processes. It is aimed at companies with fewer than 100 employees and an annual turnover or annual balance sheet total of no more than 20 million euros. 

"Digitalbonus Saarland": This funding program from the Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs is aimed at small and medium-sized companies as well as freelancers and the self- employed in Saarland. It promotes investments in digital technologies and processes as well as training employees to use these technologies. 

"Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Saarbrucken": The competence center offers free workshops, training courses and advice for small and medium-sized companies in Saarland to support them in digitization. The consulting services can also be used if the company is not part of a support program. 

"Smart Factory Kaiserslautern": The "Smart Factory Kaiserslautern" project supports small and medium-sized companies in introducing Industry 4.0 solutions in their production processes. It offers free advice and training, as well as access to a demonstration factory. 

The programs differ in their target groups, funding conditions and amounts as well as in the services offered. While "Go Digital" focuses primarily on consulting services, other programs also offer financial support or training. Companies should therefore check which program best suits their needs. 

What is the difference between applying for Go Digital in Saarland and other federal states in Germany? 

Basically, the application process for "Go Digital" is similar in all federal states in Germany, since it is a nationwide uniform funding program. However, the specific requirements and requirements may vary slightly in the different federal states. These programs can differ in the target groups, the funded topics and the funding conditions. 

What is the difference between applying for Go Digital in Saarland and other federal states in Germany? 

The "Go Digital" initiative in Saarland, Germany is a federal government program designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seize the opportunities of digitization. The program is financed and implemented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. 

The initiative offers consulting services provided by experts in the fields of IT security, digitization of business processes, online marketing and e-commerce. The advice is free and is 

aimed at companies with fewer than 100 employees and a maximum annual turnover of 20 million euros. 

The "Go Digital" initiative consists of three modules that are tailored to the individual needs of companies: 

"IT Security": Companies receive support in identifying weaknesses in their IT systems and in implementing measures to improve IT security. 

"Digitized business processes": Companies are supported in the digitization of their business processes in order to optimize processes and make them more efficient. 

"Online Marketing and E-Commerce": Companies receive support in the development and implementation of online marketing strategies and in setting up an online shop. 

The "Go Digital" program in Saarland is coordinated by Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Saar mbH (WFG). Companies can apply directly to the WFG to benefit from the advice. 

What documents are required for submission and can applications for the "Go Digital" program in Saarland be rejected? 

In order to submit an application for the "Go Digital" program in Saarland, companies must submit a number of documents. These usually include: 

• A brief description of the company and its operations.
• Information on the number of employees and the annual turnover of the company.
• A description of the current status of digitization in the company.
• A description of the specific needs and goals of the company in relation to digitization. 

It may also be necessary to submit additional documents such as the company's commercial register extract or information on the IT infrastructure. 

It is important to note that not all applications for the "Go Digital" program can be accepted in Saarland. The initiative is aimed exclusively at small and medium-sized companies with fewer than 100 employees and a maximum annual turnover of 20 million euros. In addition, only companies with a specific need for advice in the field of digitization are considered. 

If the company does not meet the requirements or the advisory capacities have already been exhausted, the application can be rejected. 

Information about the donor "Go Digital" in Saarland

The "Go Digital" program in Saarland is coordinated by Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Saar mbH (WFG). The WFG is an organization founded by the state government of Saarland and the Saarland chambers to promote economic development in Saarland. 

The "Go Digital" program in Saarland is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the "Digital Now - Investment Funding for SMEs" initiative. 

The initiative aims to support small and medium-sized companies in digitization and to promote digital change in the German economy. 

The "Go Digital" program offers free consulting services for companies provided by experts in the fields of IT security, digitization of business processes, online marketing and e- commerce. The consulting services are financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. 

The program is an important part of the federal government's digitization strategy and is intended to help small and medium-sized companies in Germany to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization in order to strengthen their competitiveness and remain fit for the future. 








Go Digital in Saarland
DastN GmbH, Riham Hassen May 16, 2023
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