Go Digital in Lower Saxony

The Lower Saxony initiative "Go Digital" supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in digitizing their business processes and procedures. The initiative is implemented by the state's Ministry of Economics, Labour, Transport and Digitization and is aimed at SMEs from all sectors.

Here are some important details about the “Go Digital” initiative in Lower Saxony:

- Funding: The initiative provides up to 50% of the eligible costs for digital transformation projects, up to a maximum of €16,500.

- Eligibility: SMEs with fewer than 100 employees, an annual turnover of up to 20 million euros and a balance sheet total of up to 20 million euros are eligible to apply.

- Priorities: Funding is available for projects in areas such as online marketing, customer relationship management, IT security and digital process optimization.

- Application procedure: SMEs can apply for funding by filling out an application form and submitting it to the "Go Digital" office in Lower Saxony. The application must be accompanied by a project plan, a cost estimate, and other relevant documents.

- Duration: The funding lasts up to six months, with the possibility of an extension for a further six months in exceptional cases.

The duration of the "Go Digital" grant in Lower Saxony is a maximum of six months. During this time, the company should be supported in the implementation of digitization measures. After the grant has expired, the companies should be able to continue with their own measures and develop further.

- Rejection: Like any other funding program, the Lower Saxony initiative "Go Digital" can also reject applications that do not meet the funding criteria or provide insufficient information.

Applications for the "Go Digital" program in Lower Saxony can be rejected. If the applications do not meet the requirements and conditions of the program or are incomplete or unclear, they may be rejected. Also, applicants must submit the necessary documents and evidence to demonstrate their eligibility for the program. If these documents are missing or incomplete, this can also lead to a failure of the application.

Here are the most important documents required for an application for the "Go Digital" program in Lower Saxony:

1. Application form: The application form must be filled out completely and signed.

2. Project description: A detailed description of the planned digitization project that is to be implemented with the help of the funding. The description should include the goal of the project, the planned implementation steps and the expected benefits for the company.

3. Cost Plan: A detailed listing of the costs that will be incurred for the project. The cost plan should include all expenses, including hardware, software, consulting services, and training costs.

4. Funding Plan: A funding plan detailing all sources of funding for the project, including the amount requested from Go Digital.

5. Tax Certificates: Company tax certificates confirming the size and nature of the company, such as tax assessments, extracts from the commercial register or business registrations.

6. Other documents: Other documents that could be relevant for evaluating the application, such as a SWOT analysis or market research.

It is important that all documents are completed and submitted completely and correctly to ensure a successful application.

Information about the sponsor:

The sponsor for the "Go Digital" program in Lower Saxony is the Lower Saxony Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitization. Funding comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the state of Lower Saxony. The implementation is carried out by the NBank digitization service center.

In Lower Saxony there are various funding programs designed to support companies and organizations in implementing their digitization projects. Here are some examples:

Digital bonus Lower Saxony: This funding program supports small and medium-sized companies in the introduction of digital technologies and processes. Among other things, investments in hardware and software, the introduction of IT security measures and the implementation of training courses for employees are supported.

Lower Saxony Technology Center (NTZ): The NTZ is a platform for exchange and cooperation between companies, research institutions and other stakeholders in the fields of technology and innovation. It offers advice and support in the development and implementation of innovation projects and strategies.

Lower Saxony Innovation and Investment Funding (NIInvest): NIInvest is a funding program of the state of Lower Saxony that supports companies with investments in research, development, and innovation. Among other things, the development of new products and processes as well as the opening of new markets are funded.

Digitization premium plus: With this funding program, the state of Lower Saxony supports small and medium-sized companies in the implementation of digital projects. Among other things, the introduction of new digital business models, the switch to digital sales channels and the implementation of digital processes and services are funded.

This list does not claim to be complete and there are other programs and funding opportunities in Lower Saxony. Interested companies should therefore find out from the responsible authorities which offers are suitable for them.




Go Digital in Lower Saxony
DastN GmbH, Riham Hassen May 11, 2023
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